
PudgieDaFrog's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,037 (From 201 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 13,740 Points

Distortion Pearl

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/330 points)

Start 5 Points

start the game

Tutorial 25 Points

complete the tutorial

End 100 Points

finish the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Dog Topple

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/140 points)

Bronze Junk 5 Points

Survive for 30 seconds, you did the bare minimum

Sliver Stank 10 Points

Survive for 60 seconds, you're getting there champ

Gold Is Cool 25 Points

Survive for 100 seconds, you're better than me kid

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Doktor Panic!

Medals Earned: 6/12 (150/210 points)

Whoops 10 Points

Fail To Treat a Patient

Get Outta My Way 10 Points

Get Shoved By a Business Man

Sick 10 Points

Catch a Virus

Ouch! 10 Points

Take Damage

Game Over 10 Points

Run Out Of Lives

My Favourite! 100 Points

Eat a Schnitzel

First Shift 10 Points

Complete Your First Shift

Second Shift 10 Points

Complete Your Second Shift

Third Shift 10 Points

Complete Your Third Shift

The Doktor is Here 10 Points

Treat Your First Patient

That Was Easy 10 Points

Perform a Heart Transplant

Bathroom Break 10 Points

Use The Toilet

Don't click Anything in 3D

Medals Earned: 3/10 (25/110 points)

Darkness 5 Points

"Hello darkness, my old friend"

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Dress Pico

Medals Earned: 4/4 (30/30 points)

Friday Night Mutin' 5 Points

You didn't like the music!

Ready to Party 5 Points

You got Pico dressed, well done!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Drop Cannon

Medals Earned: 2/7 (30/240 points)

Detroit is Saved 5 Points

Complete level five.

Perfect 1 25 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 2-5.

Denver is Saved 10 Points

Completel level ten.

America is Saved 25 Points

Complete the game.

Perfect 2 25 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 6-10.

Perfect 3 50 Points

Get a perfect loadout in one level between 11-15.

Perfect Game 100 Points

Get a perfect loadout in every level.

DVD Video Screensaver

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Hit the corner! 10 Points

Nice one!

E-motion control-ercoaster

Medals Earned: 84/100 (420/500 points)

Stepford 5 Points

Play the game. This one's a freebie, just for naming conventions.

Helpford 5 Points

Visit the ? screen. Here's some extra help: Remaining descriptions will be hints to unlock that medal (or complete nonsense if you didn't read this first).

Stepoke 5 Points

Break a heart with minimal effort.

Stepunch 5 Points

2 close friends.

Steppercut 5 Points

Uppercut is just a punch but vertical.

Stepsword 5 Points

Katana is just a punch but longer.

Stelbow Drop 5 Points

Looks like a ring post to me.

Slapford 5 Points

High-five the air. Follow the motion your hand makes. Stop complaining, there are only so many shapes you can make with 3 squares.

Shootford 5 Points

Draw the smallest gun.

Fordball 5 Points

They call me Hadouken because I'm down right fierce.

Tatsumaki Stepukyaku 5 Points

See last hint. Might need to get somebody who plays Street Fighter to help you.

Straygun 5 Points

Laser is just a sword but longer.

Stepfordriver 5 Points

This is wrestling, not boxing.

Shotgun Shellford 5 Points


Soccerford 5 Points


Splitford 5 Points


Stompford 5 Points

Make a leg. Also Tetris.

Step(on me, mommy)ford 5 Points

Make the other leg. Also Tetris.

Stepfobotomy 5 Points


Timbord 5 Points


Stepfast 5 Points


Stario 5 Points


Stepfornado 5 Points


Smega Buster 5 Points

Tetris (and yes, that is the worst possible name I could've given this one, thanks for noticing).

Stepforyuken 5 Points

See previous SF ones... but also Tetris.

Stelectrord 5 Points


Steppy Claws 5 Points

Aaaand Tetris.

Ford You 5 Points

Glad we're past that. Anyway, I couldn't think of anything better so Tetris +1.

Steppy T. Baseball Cat 5 Points

This tribute will put a smile on Betty's face (if she ever smiled).

Superford 5 Points

5 with 5

Sargeford 5 Points

T for Tankmen. Could also be construed as a cock and balls which is equally relevant to that particular series.

Stepvord 5 Points


Steathead 5 Points


Stepfordmc 5 Points

Let's move teatime back a bit.

Stepfordonkeypunch 5 Points

Let's move teatime forward.

Screwford 5 Points

Screw teatime.

Stelefrag 5 Points

Building bridges.

One giant Stepford, man 5 Points

Plus size.

Stepforang 5 Points

Make a boomerang. Do it for all four orientations to save me writing hints for the rest.

Stepfockey 5 Points

Kind of looks like a hockey stick. I think you get the idea by now, hints will continue later.

Stepfore 5 Points

Also looks like a golf club, I suppose.

Stepfnf 5 Points

Tetris +1

Stepfnaf 5 Points

Resembles an allen wrench, appropriately enough (not that I could be arsed doing an actual animatronic). Anyway, Tetris +1.

Stevada 5 Points

Tetris +1

Cheford 5 Points

Kind of looks like a meat cleaver. Whatever, Tetris +1.

Stat's All Fords 5 Points

Kind of looks like an anvil. Whatever, Tetris +1.

Stepbomd 5 Points

Kind of looks like a bomb. Whatever, Tetris +1.

Disarmd 5 Points

Kind of looks like a knife. Like if you break the top off the blade. Alright, I'll stop now, Tetris +1.

Stfu 5 Points

Tetris +1

Sockford 5 Points

Tetris +1

Sbeerford 5 Points

Tetris+1 (also resembles a nightstick)

Stepforvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes 5 Points

HYPER COMBO FINISH!! I mean Tetris +1.

Slaymord 5 Points

As I'm writing this, there are four days left in the game jam. Although that is probably enough time to do every six heart configuration, I'd rather give some actual hints instead of a load of Tetris +2s. Just do a rectangle for now and we'll see how it goes.

Steprobe 5 Points

Rotate the rectangle.

Stepfort Downey Jr. 5 Points

On second thought, just make it bigger. No, that's too big.

Screamford 5 Points

♪ (music note if that doesn't display for whatever reason)

Stepfohn Cena 5 Points

Flip it. (Ring bell goes ding so still works.)

Stepfoh dear 5 Points

Or just flip the music note again.

Holy Shtepford 5 Points

The appropriate symbol didn't fit so we had to rotate it.

Hellford 5 Points

Same again but exactly the opposite.

Stareford 5 Points

Didn't even touch you, cry baby.

Step on a landmine 5 Points

Make a landmine.

Stepfong Lao 5 Points

Flip it.

Heartford (Connecticut) 5 Points

Draw a heart. No, not that kind. Keep going, one will appear eventually.

Holey Shtepford 5 Points

Flip it.

Step 1000 Fords 5 Points

...and again.

Stepthord 5 Points

Make Mjölnir.

Stepmara Forgan 5 Points


Stedding 5 Points

Slap a rock on that ring.

Stepflation 5 Points

Flip it (guess it didn't work out).

Deaford 5 Points

Dig a grave.

Stabality 5 Points

Flip it. While disrespectful, it kind of makes sense if you think about it. Also looks like a wee man with a big head, again, fittingly enough.

Stepfowl 5 Points

Boil an egg.

Siford 5 Points

Reminds me of an AT-AT appropriately enough.

Robord 5 Points

Also looks like a robot dog, appropriately enough. Although, I suppose that's what it is.

Stelestial 5 Points

Building bigger bridges.

Stilt-a-whirl Backbreaker 5 Points

Bigger box.

Book of Stevelation 5 Points

Give them nothing, but take from them everything!

Sniperd 5 Points

Break rule established by all previous medals when aiming 4 this one.

Stet It Fo 5 Points

Hope that doesn't bother you, snowflake. (actually looks more like my ex)

Spazzors 5 Points

Elsa and now Spider-Man. We're on that part of the web again.

Stwiss Cheeseord 5 Points

There is one more way to kill a man, but it is as intricate and precise as a well-played game of chess.

5tepford Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique 5 Points

Hit five hearts without activating any of the previous moves.

Steiko from Mortal Kombat Fourd 5 Points

Hit four hearts without activating any of the previous moves. Great one to end on. You can see where I was going with this but medals have now maxed out so that's all, folks.

Sparford 5 Points


Scorpford 5 Points


Sleepford 5 Points


Stehemoth 5 Points

Complete the antennae for the other birthday boy. Never mind, Tetris +1.

Smoochford 5 Points

Tetris +1

Skupord 5 Points

Tetris +1

Stogieford 5 Points

Tetris +1

Stepforpg 5 Points

Tetris +1

Stedi 5 Points

Tetris +1

Castle Crashord 5 Points

Tetris +1

Stepformageddon 5 Points

Looks like a worm. No, not just a regular one.

Stairford 5 Points

Clue's in the name.

Steppy Krueger 5 Points

Flip it.

Stepball 5 Points

Once more.

Stepthor 2: The Dark World (everyone's favorite) 5 Points

Flip it.

Smilepford 5 Points

Wider smile.


Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/380 points)

Beginning of the End 5 Points

Start the game

Found the Screwdriver 5 Points

Find the screwdriver

Found Beer 5 Points

Get the beer

Found the Flower 5 Points

Get the flower

Found the Key 5 Points

Get the key

Found the Matches 5 Points

Get the matches

Found the Newspaper 5 Points

Get the newspaper

Found the Oxygen Tank 5 Points

Get the oxygen tank

Found the Rope 5 Points

Get the rope

Found the Telescope 5 Points

Get the telescope

Found the Wheel 5 Points

Get the wheel

Finish Chapter Four 10 Points

End of chapter four

Finish Chapter One 10 Points

End of chapter one

Finish Chapter Three 10 Points

End of chapter three

Finish Chapter Two 10 Points

End of chapter two

Finish Prologue 10 Points

End of prologue

Finish Chapter Five 25 Points

End of chapter five

Finish the Game! 50 Points

End of the game

Be a Friend 100 Points

It's okay just to be present sometimes

Watch Credits 100 Points

Watch credits

Egg Game

Medals Earned: 3/4 (20/30 points)

Level 1 5 Points

You beat level 1! Awesome, I guess

Level 2 5 Points

You beat level 2! Wow, you're actually playing this

YOU WIN!!!!! 10 Points

Ten points to you! You're a real winner!!!

Level 3 10 Points

A little harder than the others, but you managed to get through it