Listen I may be gone for a little bit because I missed my bus again and well, my mom told me that if I missed my bus again I would have my computer taken away. I don't know how but I slept through both alarms so you might not see me after today. Hopefully, she doesn't take the computer but she probably will.
School Is Importent It Helps Bring Forth Knowledge New Grounds Is Great Though Every Day Life Is Importent So Stop Missing The Bus Focus On Exams And You Should Not Worry Your Mother Seems Nice Enough She Will Not Take Your Computer Away Today
Yeah maybe you're right but she is a nurse and I think she's just been kind of stressed out about everything so she will most likely take it away. I remember I was having a dream just before I woke up and the number seven came up and I woke up after seeing 7 in my dream and I saw it was 7:34 am